Saturday, July 21, 2007

One man, his life and vision : Part VI

During this time, the founders of the Exodus were back in Cochin together after a long time and started growing in grace day by day. Exodus did their fourth anniversary as a Festival of Praise and Worship in September 21st 2001 and then started a Sunday evening fellowship. God led Abe, Reji, Viju and Mathew, to Church ministry.Afterwards Viju started constantly getting affected by Laryngitis, a disease that is a nightmare to singers and preachers. Various treatments done were
ineffective, medicines failed to heal. His voice was in trouble every now and then. This depressing experience tormented him and broke him inside. He told his wife "I'd rather die than living without my voice". In the midst of his agony, he learned to spend time alone with God, and it made him write six devotional songs in Malayalam. Holy Spirit made him understand he should earnestly seek the purpose of God in his life, more than the restoration of his voice.Somewhere he needed to get right with God more meaningfully than before. So for seven days he fasted along with Exodus church, and he said "Lord I am available if you need me to be back in the full time ministry, but you have to heal me and restore me". He also said, "I need to record my songs with the best musicians in the finest studios in India". Lord was kind to Viju.Lord answered the fervent prayers of His people. God healed Viju completely and also blessed him with a breakthrough in his career. Hope Givers International and Northfields Corporation stepped in to promote him. His debut album was recorded in 2002 at Chennai and Mumbai with the best musicians in the finest studios. In his twenty two year old career in music,what was impossible by man was made possible by God.Today he stays passionately committed to the Lord's Ministry full time.

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