The Golden Key.
God gifted Adam the seven great blessings which people on Earth toil hard to earn. To posses and enjoy the great blessings in life continuously, God expected Adam to keep God's commandment consistently. If you first seek the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, then the goodness and mercy of God will follow you all the days of your life. Adam clearly heard the instruction from God about the tree of knowledge of good and evil. But when it came to applying the word of God, he preferred to listen to his woman and pleased her more than obeying God. When we trust in the schemes of our own flesh rather than pleasing God, it never turns out like what we have expected. So Adam blamed his woman and his woman blamed the snake who deceived her with his demonic doctrines. Even today we see the clear sign of irresponsibility in blaming others when we ourselves have to be blamed.
Adam failed to please God by doing His will. His testimony was "For me and my house we will please ourselves". He didn't keep his house in Godly order. Perhaps he said I know how to run my home with out taking instructions from someone else. If you don’t have a God occupied heart, you will have a devil occupied house. His disobedience led him to loose the glorious image and likeness of God which he carried from the beginning. After sinning the glory of God left him and he felt naked. Adam also lost his habitation; he was kicked out from the Great Garden of Eden. From the abundance of fruits, now Man needed to sweat hard to earn his bread. Through deception the devil took over the authority and power of man to rule over the Earth. Adam lost his dominion to subdue the Earth. He also lost his freedom and access to the tree of life. Now to be fruitful in the workplace he needed to toil over the soil. God cursed even the ground because of man's ignorance. God multiplied the pain of his companion through painful childbirth; she lost her freedom in her own house and came under the dominion of man. Except the true image of God, rest of the goodness may be duplicated on Earth. Devil is a duplicate, he is a fake angel of light.
What is the golden key to inherit the seven great blessings??? "Love your God with all your heart and all your soul and all your spirit and all your resources". Worship the Giver not the gifts. Once Jesus did a Great miracle and blessed Peter with a catch of 153 big fishes. He then asked Peter "do you love Me more than these"??? Because once devil said to Jesus "I will give you all these if you fall down and worship me". There Jesus replied to Satan "Go Satan! For it is written, You shall worship the Lord your God, and serve Him only". We are created to love and worship God more than every thing.
Willfully submit to God and resist the devil. The fear of God makes you depart from all evil. True submission and worship originates from deep passion. The Father is finding true worshipers through a life of worship, than a song of worship. Complete obedience is the best sacrifice that pleases the heart of God. He exists without our human worship. In fact the Lord is seeking an everlasting companionship through our worship in truth and spirit. The constant communion with God is the one golden key that opens the celebration of life on Earth. In His presence there is fullness of inexplicable and glorious joy. The true companions delight in the inseparable communion. Bond with sweet Jesus for ever and celebrate your life with Him. The metal sodium is bonded with the gas chlorine in the compound named Sodium Chloride [NaCl]. His Spirit in our flesh make that salt. You are the salt of the Earth. Amen…VJ Traven