Wednesday, August 1, 2007

The number one Heroes - PART 3

Before the death of Lord Jesus, the Roman soldiers stripped the Son of God, spat on His Holy face, beat Him on His head, crowned Him with a crown of thorns, knelt down before Him and mocked at Him saying "hail, King of the Jews". They nailed the Holy One and crucified Him. From the face of the Earth, the Light of Life was about to disappear. From the sixth hour to the ninth hour darkness started to appear in the land. Then He cried out in a loud voice Eli Eli lamma shabackthani, that is My God My God why have You left Me? His pain became our gain. His blood became our price. His breath became our life. God made His beloved Son die to bring home the prodigal sons. He cried out loud again and gave up His Spirit. The Curtain of the temple was torn, the Earth was shaken, the Rocks were split, the tombs of the saints opened and their bodies resurrected. The crowds were beating their breasts. The Lion of Judah is dead. But Peter was no where in the picture. He denied his hero and became a zero. When someone has fallen, someone has risen. God enabled few godly women to witness the vision of the crucifixion. The righteous ones are bold as a lion. Peter gave up his chance to unite with Jesus in His death. Peter was shaken; the spirit of fear killed the heart of a young lion. The courage is not the absence of fear; it is doing what you are afraid to do. Number ones are unshakable; they have an inseparable communion with God. The godly women followed Lord's body to the tomb, later they prepared the spices and perfumes. Number ones prepare themselves and carry what they need to serve God. In John 20:1, two thousand years ago when it is still dark, Mary Magdalene visited the tomb of Jesus early in the morning all alone. Number one is brave and daring. Fear of death could not separate her from the love of Christ. Number ones are mad about Jesus; they chase God even in the dark unfavorable circumstances. What about you and Jesus, how deep is your love??? My friend wake up, the time is near. Amen...VJ Traven