Thursday, July 26, 2007

The Power of Praise

God made His people for praise, fame and honor [Deut26:19] . God said "people whom I formed for Myself will declare My praise"[Isa 43:21] . [Ps 51: 15] says, "Oh Lord open my lips, that my mouth, may declare Your Praise". Praise is very relational, because it originates from love. You never praise a total stranger. Praise proclaims who God is and it ridicules the devil all the time. Praise describes the awesomeness of God to all generations. Praise is a glorious spark from our inner man's life with Christ. Hallowed be Thy name. A God pleasing prayer begin and end in praise. Praise is very personal. No lips are capable of shouting some other heart's praise. In Truth and Spirit when your heart praise, your mouth will speak it, your hands will clap it, your legs will dance it and your body will swing it for the glory of God.

Praise crushes the devil under your feet and reminds him about his reward in the lake of fire for ever. Praise is the key to the Throne Room of God. Praise signifies your momentum in approaching God for intimate worship. Praise is the public act of the triumphant Christian warriors. Praise declares nothing is impossible for God. Praise is a proof of your tongue's submission to God. Praise is a bold application by the undistorted and undivided minds. Praise shows that you truly love to give God the glory. Praise is about uplifting your thought life to God. [Ps 71:7] says, "My Praise is continually of You". Praise is a proof, that you don't focus on selfish ambitions and steal the glory due to God alone. Praise frightens the enemy camp because Praise can demolish the walls of demonic resistance. But loveless Praise is a powerless Praise. God abides on the praises of His people. Praise is a thunderous shout of astonishing faith. In the deafening sound of Praise and we see the mighty sheen of unapproachable light. Praise destroys the power of darkness. Praise also means 'shine' in Greek and Hebrew. Hallelujah is the combination of two words, 'praise' and 'Yah'. Yah is the short form of 'Yahweh'. Yah abides in the unapproachable light, Yah is the Consuming Fire. So when you shout Hallelujah, in fact you are saying 'shine Yah'. In this way it says " the Consuming Fire, the LORD who lives in the unapproachable light shine". So a loud 'Hallelujah' can make God's glory shine and make the darkness flee in Jesus name. Praise is an explosive weapon in the spiritual warfare. Because every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is the Lord [phil 2:9].

Praise is the evidence of your absence in the enemy camp. Praise is the display of the inner joy flowing from a heart that is engaged with Jesus. If your heart stays far from God, the sacrifice of praise with your lips will be unacceptable to Him. Praise is the mark of a saint. [Ps 51:14] says, My tongue will joyfully sing your righteousness. Praise proclaims God and His people are not dead. Praise invites God to fight your war. In war Praise brings victory against the enemy and destroys all the lies of the devil. Praise proves that you don’t quench the Spirit of worship. Praise is not the meaningless clichés spoken by fake worshipers, Praise is the sincere act of the saints [1Pet2:9]. Praise signifies the unity in the Church Worship. Grumbling people fail to produce joyful Praise. United Praise fills God's glory in the Temple [2Ch5:13]. Praise is a great celebration of joy and it shows you are not a stumbling block in the Congregational Worship. Praise is lovely, when we kiss the King of Glory. A loveless heart fail to produce God pleasing praise. Saints of God, with all your heart come together in song and dance, let's make His praise glorious all day long [ps 71:8,150:4]. Amen Amen...VJ Traven