Blessing No: [7] The Companion
The Companionship is a great and desperate need of a human being. The life of human genealogy hangs on it. And when the man was created, his companion was hidden inside of him. Lord God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone; I will make him a helper suitable for Him". Giving the freedom to respond God brought all the animals and birds before man. Adam looked at every beast and every bird, but found nothing was tailor made for him. He watched them all and named them all, but nothing matched him at all as a companion. Nothing was found suitable, because he was created in the image of God. In today's perspective the Elephants were too big; Snakes were deadly and poisonous, Lions were very wild and loud, Eagles flew too high, Cheetahs were fast and untouchable, Hippos were ugly, Rhinos looked untamable and in the end Adam came up with no spontanious response. Then Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man and then He took one of his ribs and created Eve "the crown of creation". The solution was right there within the bones of Adam. The man said "This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh. She shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of man".
In the New Testament Jesus Christ the Son of God came looking for a companion. Jesus came to choose you and me as His Companion. He came to mold you and seat you next to Him in Heaven . Jesus fell in love with us even though we were not lovable and holy. We were carnal, dark and violent in nature like animals without the likeness of God. But Jesus was the radiance of the glory of God and the exact representation of His being. We were not a match to the matchless One. And that didn't stop Him from loving us. To demonstrate His deep love for us, Jesus died for us. On the third day Jesus rose again and lives for us. He shed His Holy blood on the cross of Calvary as the price for His Companion. He was wounded for our sins and His strips and scars heal His Companion forever. His Holy word sanctifies us and His Holy Spirit anoints us to remain spotless as His Companion. Jesus said to His beloved "I will never leave you nor forsake you till the end of the world".
If you want God as a companion you may give your life to Jesus through true submission and confession. The true Companions are yoked together for ever. They are never separated by the power of death. Jesus conquered the world, the sin and the death for ever. If the Resurrected Jesus is your companion to eternity, then you have the hope that never disappoints. Your companion Jesus rose again from the dead and He will never die again. If you believe and stay bonded with Him inseparably, then you will live again even after you die. Your Lord will send His power of resurrection on your whole being to be Gloriuosly transfigured like Him.
The Bride of the Lamb is absolutely busy preparing herself for the wedding of the Lamb. The Heaven and earth is waiting for that awesome and glorious day. Humanity is empty without the companionship of Jesus. Our eternity hangs on it for ever. Have you become a suitable companion??? In your encounter with Jesus, will He say this is the bone of my bones and the flesh of my flesh??? Man was created in the image and likeness of God. Our sins made us fall from that Glory of God. But Jesus came to restore the image of God in His Companion. Like Eve was taken out of Adam's rib in a deep sleep, God raised Jesus and His Companion from the death after the three days of deep sleep inside the tomb. Lord God raised Jesus and His Companion together. If we have become united in the likeness of His death, we shall also become united in the likeness of His resurrection.
Even on the cross, Jesus protected His bones by bleeding every drop of His blood and sweat, the layers of His skin and flesh was torn to keep the bones untouched. God kept us unbroken when He left His Son broken. We are wonderfully and fearfully made for Him by Him to become His beloved Companion. For us it is not good to be left alone. Like the bones are covered by the flesh and blood let's clothe ourselves with Christ our beloved One. Demonstrate your love and bond with Him for ever. The King of Glory is coming!!! Amen…VJ Traven