A recent research among all the denominational Christians attending the Sunday services revealed few frightening facts. Right after the service the People were asked to recollect the main sermon point. In response only 5% gave the right answer. From Egypt millions were delivered through the Red Sea and was led through the desert, still only two made it to the destination designed by God. The Truth may look merciless, but it can set you free if you respond. Today if Christians were asked about them experiencing God on a Sunday, we may still get frightened!!! Hello, does this worry you? May be not, may be you are all right. The awakening doesn't bother losers. The winners who reached the destination were different and determined; one of them later said, "for me and my house we will serve the Lord". These are the days souls carry a casket to the Church, because right in the midst of the service or later they bury their bodies in some kind of a sleep. Church is a womb of life not a tomb of death. Many Christians are comfortably sleeping inside the coffins of complacency with no communion with God. We are the citizens of heaven, but if don’t commune with God in the desert you'll never cross the River Jordan alive. If your congregation is dead; God still anoints the true worshiper who is desperate to commune with Him in secret. Bad company will corrupt good character. Fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, will make you commune with the demons. We reap what we sow. The Greek word for 'communion' is 'koinonia', which means fellowship, joint participation, intimacy, intercourse, a gift jointly contributed. Joint participation through oneness in heart with God makes a man perfect in Christ. If you miss this process in your daily walk, look at the meaning of one Hebrew word for worship 'atsab' which means to hurt, pain, displease, vex, fashion, to make form, to stretch into shape, worship. Hey…are you listening to the voice of the Spirit of God?...Wake up and commune with God today. Amen…VJ TRAVEN
Thursday, July 12, 2007
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