One day Jesus said to His disciples, "I am the bread of life". It created a heart breaking response. Many said, this is hard teaching and they left Him. Leaving Jesus is the easiest option for the losers. Lord asked "you do not want to go away also, do you"? And Peter said "to whom shall we go; you have the words of eternal life, You are the Holy One of God". A number one remembers God eternally when others forget eternity. Jesus is the true God and Eternal Life. Some other day people were talking about Him, some said He is John the Baptist, some said Elijah, but Peter said You are Christ, the Son of the living God. Number one receives a revelation from God. Unless you live the vision, you will fall from your position. In the very next paragraph [Mat16:13-21] Peter rebuked Jesus about Lord's suffering and death to save the world from the consequences of sin. Peter was deserting Christ for a different kind of Gospel. Jesus turned to him and said "Get behind me Satan, you are a stumbling block, you are not setting your mind on God's interests, but mans." A number one should focus on God's purposes and should get deep rooted in Christ, or we may be deceived by the lies of the adversary and will speak as the mouthpiece for evil. A number one uses all his strength to remain in God's word without denying Christ. Prophet Isaiah spoke "Who has believed our message? And to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed? He was despised and forsaken by men. He was the man of sorrows from whom men hide their faces. He was pierced for our transgressions. All of us like sheep gone astray, turned to his own way, but Lord caused the iniquity of us to fall on Him". Peter had a decision and a revelation, to follow Jesus till the death brings a separation. But Peter lost his position as others witnessed the vision of the cross. Friends, don’t be the fallen one, stick to your decision and live the revelation and stand in a position to see the vision??? Jesus looked at Peter when he denied Him, now He is watching us. Amen…VJ Traven
Monday, July 30, 2007
Sunday, July 29, 2007
The number one Heroes - PART 1
The Holy Bible speaks about the true stories of the number one heroes in all generations. Lord Jesus is the Greatest Hero this world has ever seen. On the cross, He demonstrated love is stronger than death. Many waters failed to quench the burning fire of passion in His belly. His love for us exploded like a violent flame in
Thursday, July 26, 2007
The Power of Praise
God made His people for praise, fame and honor [Deut26:19] . God said "people whom I formed for Myself will declare My praise"[Isa 43:21] . [Ps 51: 15] says, "Oh Lord open my lips, that my mouth, may declare Your Praise". Praise is very relational, because it originates from love. You never praise a total stranger. Praise proclaims who God is and it ridicules the devil all the time. Praise describes the awesomeness of God to all generations. Praise is a glorious spark from our inner man's life with Christ. Hallowed be Thy name. A God pleasing prayer begin and end in praise. Praise is very personal. No lips are capable of shouting some other heart's praise. In Truth and Spirit when your heart praise, your mouth will speak it, your hands will clap it, your legs will dance it and your body will swing it for the glory of God.
Praise crushes the devil under your feet and reminds him about his reward in the lake of fire for ever. Praise is the key to the Throne Room of God. Praise signifies your momentum in approaching God for intimate worship. Praise is the public act of the triumphant Christian warriors. Praise declares nothing is impossible for God. Praise is a proof of your tongue's submission to God. Praise is a bold application by the undistorted and undivided minds. Praise shows that you truly love to give God the glory. Praise is about uplifting your thought life to God. [Ps 71:7] says, "My Praise is continually of You". Praise is a proof, that you don't focus on selfish ambitions and steal the glory due to God alone. Praise frightens the enemy camp because Praise can demolish the walls of demonic resistance. But loveless Praise is a powerless Praise. God abides on the praises of His people. Praise is a thunderous shout of astonishing faith. In the deafening sound of Praise and we see the mighty sheen of unapproachable light. Praise destroys the power of darkness. Praise also means 'shine' in Greek and Hebrew. Hallelujah is the combination of two words, 'praise' and 'Yah'. Yah is the short form of 'Yahweh'. Yah abides in the unapproachable light, Yah is the Consuming Fire. So when you shout Hallelujah, in fact you are saying 'shine Yah'. In this way it says " the Consuming Fire, the LORD who lives in the unapproachable light shine". So a loud 'Hallelujah' can make God's glory shine and make the darkness flee in Jesus name. Praise is an explosive weapon in the spiritual warfare. Because every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is the Lord [phil 2:9].
Praise is the evidence of your absence in the enemy camp. Praise is the display of the inner joy flowing from a heart that is engaged with Jesus. If your heart stays far from God, the sacrifice of praise with your lips will be unacceptable to Him. Praise is the mark of a saint. [Ps 51:14] says, My tongue will joyfully sing your righteousness. Praise proclaims God and His people are not dead. Praise invites God to fight your war. In war Praise brings victory against the enemy and destroys all the lies of the devil. Praise proves that you don’t quench the Spirit of worship. Praise is not the meaningless clichés spoken by fake worshipers, Praise is the sincere act of the saints [1Pet2:9]. Praise signifies the unity in the Church Worship. Grumbling people fail to produce joyful Praise. United Praise fills God's glory in the
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Delight in Sweet Jesus and let God delight in you !
Jesus came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home for Him. Her sister Mary sat at Lord's feet listening to Jesus. But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. Martha came to Him and asked "Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do all the work by my self? Tell her to help me!". "Martha, Martha" the Lord answered, "you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better and it will not be taken away from her". The story of two sisters and Jesus reveals many spiritual mysteries. 1: Martha opened her house for Jesus; Mary opened her life for Jesus 2: Martha showed her self dependence; Mary showed her God dependence. 3: Martha prepared nourishment for Jesus; Mary sat at the feet to be nourished by Jesus. 4: Martha was boiling with her own point of view; Mary was blessed by the Lord's point of view. 5: Martha was distracted by many things, but Mary was focused on one thing. 6: Martha gets angry and defends herself; Mary's gets quiet and the Lord defends her. 7: Martha's self-righteous instinct made her instruct Jesus what to speak; Mary's self-denial produced the sweet aroma of worship. 8: Martha projected herself as the boss; but Mary found Jesus as the boss. 9: Martha got worried and got upset with Jesus, but Mary showed reverence and was happy with Jesus. 10: Martha's deeds found unworthy, Mary's deeds found praiseworthy. 11: Martha's solutions ran into problems; Mary's solutions came from Jesus. 12: Martha left Jesus to please herself; Mary left Martha to please God. 13: Martha invited and ignored the presence of Jesus; Mary sat down and celebrated the presence of Jesus. 14: Martha took herself seriously, Mary took Jesus seriously. 15: What Martha found as ministry lost its glory, but Mary chose Jesus more than ministry. Hello my friend what's your name, Martha or Mary?!!! Delight in Sweet Jesus and let God delight in you. Amen…VJ Traven
Sunday, July 22, 2007
King Jesus is coming !!! Are you ready ???
Watch your thoughts, they become words, watch your words they become actions, watch your actions they become habits, watch your habits, they become character, watch your character it decides your destiny. 80% of what we hear we forget, 40% of what you meditate retains in us, 60% of what you write may remain in our hearts. Fear God and hear God. Between you and your destiny you have a long journey. Remembering the sacrifice of Jesus you begin with a thankful heart. The Truth sets you free for the good works that accelerates the momentum in the journey. Regular righteous training by God's word develops Divine nature that keeps the ship of faith from sinking. Wow! If our destiny is the glory of Christ, where we are now? Are you building your house on the sand or on the Rock? Are you separated or are you still partying in the pride of life without parting with the lust of the world? Unless we crucify our sinful nature with Christ, we remain as slaves of sin in the port of darkness. Our faith with no action and partial obedience to God's word anchor our ship in the port of deception. In most cases the break-journey don’t resume because people act like
Saturday, July 21, 2007
One man, his life and vision : Part VII
Hello, do you want to know more to partner in this vision from God to heal and win the nations of the world??? Write to us ! Come together, let's flood this world with the Light of Life in Jesus name !!!
Let King Jesus be glorified.Amen Amen
One man, his life and vision : Part VI
During this time, the founders of the Exodus were back in
ineffective, medicines failed to heal. His voice was in trouble every now and then. This depressing experience tormented him and broke him inside. He told his wife "I'd rather die than living without my voice". In the midst of his agony, he learned to spend time alone with God, and it made him write six devotional songs in Malayalam. Holy Spirit made him understand he should earnestly seek the purpose of God in his life, more than the restoration of his voice.Somewhere he needed to get right with God more meaningfully than before. So for seven days he fasted along with Exodus church, and he said "Lord I am available if you need me to be back in the full time ministry, but you have to heal me and restore me". He also said, "I need to record my songs with the best musicians in the finest studios in
One man, his life and vision : Part V
In 1999, Exodus was growing as a prominent youth movement in
One man, his life and vision : Part IV
health. But after this episode the saddest thing happened, the celebrity of Rock lost his job. Shiva refused to take him back after that frightening one month. They said, "we cannot have a lunatic singing in the band". Viju was totally rejected and broken, he parted ways with Shiva and left
refused the idea of attending the traditional Malayalam fellowships because of the bitter experiences in the past.
In 1995 Viju re-invented himself as a composer for T.V. Commercials. His jingles won gold and silver awards. His most popular works in Kerala were "Johns Kuda" (Unnikkinnuoru kuda venam), Sabari Tea, VNM Jewelers, Malabar Cement, Medifresh Soap, Kaveri Facial Cream etc. He joined "Living theater" and started composing music for major English plays in
One man, his life and vision : Part III
He released his own composition 'In your arms' through Rock Street Journal,which became a big hit. His career as Rock singer peaked in
One man, his life and vision : Part II
Viju was left alone and didn't know what to do. He felt, he lost five long golden years, which made him a specialist in nothing, as he was twenty years old by then. He found solace in a box guitar and would spend time strumming it. He thought God send music to rescue him. In 1985, he chose music and took it seriously as a career for rest of his life. Then one day he met two musicians playing drums and guitar and liked them and he started visiting them frequently. He started his first band Exodus with Reji, Abe and Mathew.
After two years 'Exodus' was not functioning as a band, musicians got involved in other avenues of life. Viju formed a new band 'Break Chambers'.Later he left in search of better musical opportunities in
One man, his life and vision : Part I
Born and raised in a middle class Roman Catholic family in South India, Viju Jeremiah Traven was the only child born to his parents Varghese and Gracy.His father was a broken businessman, who got healed miraculously from cancer in 1978. After that his father Varghese Kattapuram (Kattachayan) became a very committed Christian, he attended a traditional Pentecostal Church in Cochin. From the childhood, Viju used to paint and was very musically inclined and he used to listen to various forms of music seriously.Viju was never interested in seeking the face of God and refused to worship God along with his dad. But one Saturday night during the early college days, Viju heard God asking him " Where are you going away from me? "Next day morning what Viju told surprised his dad,"I am coming withyou now for Sunday worship".Viju accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and soon got baptized in water and was filled with the Holy Spirit. He became passionate about learning the word of God and was powerfully anointed with the Spirit of vision and prophecy. He studied under Pr.P.K.Chacko, who wrote the first Malayalam Bible dictionary and spend a lot of time in prayer with Variyapuram Yohannachayan, one of the greatest prophets ever lived in Kerala. He learned many deep spiritual truths from these great men of God and later he gave his life for ministry as they laid hands and separated him for the call of God in his life.
Friday, July 20, 2007
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Are you winning or are you loosing ???
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Speak God's word for a miracle.
Holy Bible is the true evidence of what God has done than what God has spoken. To defeat the power of death with the abundance of life, we need to exactly do what the Lord did. "Speak His word". What ever God speaks will be done. God and his people speak the same word; it is a double edged sword. When Saints takes the sword of the Spirit, with pure motives and deep conviction, it accomplishes the purpose of God fruitfully. The centurion who came to Jesus knew its power. He told Jesus to"speak the word" to heal his servant and he was healed. Jesus said, "be still" to the wind and the sea and they obeyed. When we keep the word and show obedience of faith, we walk with God and carry the testimony of Jesus, which is the spirit of Prophecy. When disciples were filled by the Holy Spirit, they began to speak the word with boldness. God always fulfilled what was foretold by the Prophets. Nearly two years ago in my Church, a young man named Vinod met with a bike accident in
Speak God's word for a miracle.
Holy Bible is the true evidence of what God has done than what God has spoken. To defeat the power of death with the abundance of life, we need to exactly do what the Lord did. "Speak His word". What ever God speaks will be done. God and his people speak the same word; it is a double edged sword. When Saints takes the sword of the Spirit, with pure motives and deep conviction, it accomplishes the purpose of God fruitfully. The centurion who came to Jesus knew its power. He told Jesus to"speak the word" to heal his servant and he was healed. Jesus said, "be still" to the wind and the sea and they obeyed. When we keep the word and show obedience of faith, we walk with God and carry the testimony of Jesus, which is the spirit of Prophecy. When disciples were filled by the Holy Spirit, they began to speak the word with boldness. God always fulfilled what was foretold by the Prophets. Nearly two years ago in my Church, a young man named Vinod met with a bike accident in
Friday, July 13, 2007
Are you struggling, kindly read this ?!!
Five years ago after the writing and composing of songs, I needed a financial miracle to record my first Malayalam album Yeshuve Karunamayane. By faith I booked the Studio dates in Chennai. Miraculously I got a call to produce an English album for
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Wake up and commune with God
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
9 Steps of God pleasing Worship
The unquenchable flame of passion for Christ burning in the hearts of the saints spreads a sweet aroma of worship before God in Heaven. A true worshipper's heart and head is deeply engaged with God uninterruptedly. Worship always sanctifies the true worshipper, with great joy he redefines his commitment to God by always seeking and obeying the perfect will of God in his life. The more deeply you worship like this, the more Christ like you becomes. You can write a thousand books about worship in truth and spirit and can still completely fail to please God in your personal worship. If you are driven by a desire to stay in love with Jesus for ever, your worship will always stay in the glory of God. A true worshipper will always connect and enter the throne room of God to celebrate His presence. When churches fail to do this, God stops rejoicing in them, there the house of prayer becomes a den of thieves.
Thankless hearts do loveless worship and create lifeless churches. These days, on a Sunday you see more pretenders than worshippers. The manifest presence of God never visits such places and people, because their hearts stay far from GOD, they worship in vain without meeting up with God face to face. If you have lost your joy in worship, you can return to God with true repentance and rebuild your worship as a lifestyle.
* Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
* Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.
* Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.
* Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.
* Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.
* Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.
* Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.
* Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
* Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you. Matt 5:3-12
Meditating the beatitudes in Matthew chapter 5, I found nine spiral steps that takes you higher and closer to the presence of God. Nine steps complete one circle and takes you to the top of one floor and you see step one in the next floor again.
The first step: Climb With A Humble Heart
Blessed are the poor in the spirit. In worship people never meet up with God, if they ignore the first step humility. If our hearts are filled with pride and arrogance, we will fake worship. Without humility, you will worship yourself and get deceived. To receive God’s favor and grace, humble yourself, give God the glory and now make His praise loud and glorious. Thank God with all your heart, remember God exists without your worship, but your existence depends on worshiping Him. Jesus said "take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart"... [Mathew 11:29] . Humility is about denying yourself to live the mind of Christ till the end.
The second step: Climb With A broken Heart
Blessed are those who mourn. A broken heart about disappointing God can renew your mind to please God as you climb step two. A hard hearted Cain will only produce unacceptable worship. Remember Jesus and His sacrifice for you. Come to Him; let your love and devotion produce the thanksgiving tears kissing the nail pierced feet of Jesus. Break the alabaster jar of worship, let your Lord rejoice in you. To bear the fruit of repentance, stay broken. Brokenness is the key to enter into deeper intimacy in worship. The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, a broken and a contrite heart [Ps 51:17]. Ps 109: 22 says "my heart is broken within me".
The Third Step: Climb With A Gentle Heart
Blessed are the meek. Gentleness is the outward expression of the true inner humility. Gentleness is also power under control. Gentleness is your commitment to stay humble without misusing your position in Christ. Gentleness is the fruit of awareness about your citizenship in heaven so you stay calm or stand still and show maturity even in trouble. Gentleness will give God the glory regardless of what you are going through. Climb step three gentleness with sensitivity, because worship can be loud and explosive or calm and silent. A gentle heart is filled with peace that surpasses all understanding, it makes you inherit the earth. A calm and undisturbed heart is health to the body [Pr14: 30].
The Fourth Step : Climb With A Hungry Heart
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness. In the presence of the living God there is fullness of joy. Lack of hunger and thirst can lead you to emptiness and dryness because there is no filling with the indwelling presence of God. Worship is a real encounter with God. Be aware of God's promises to a worshiper.
"Come!" And let him who thirsts come. Whoever desires let him take the water of life freely [Rev 22:1.7Listen, believe and claim your inheritance from GOD. The kingdom of heaven suffers violence and the violent take it by force. Climb step four hunger and thirst to receive more of Him every time when you worship. Lord sets a grand full course meal before the worshiper's enemies .Are you hungry?!!!
Blessed are the merciful for they shall receive mercy. A embittered person should renew his mind to put on a heart of compassion and kindness [Rom 12:1, Col 3:12]. Bitter and unforgiving nature disconnects you from God, it distorts your focus on Jesus badly. Staying longer like that with a hard and stubborn heart can kill your sensitivity to feel the tenderness of the sweet presence of the Holy Spirit. Forgive and reconcile with your brother before you start your worship. Climb the fifth step to receive the fullness of God's mercy and grace.
The Sixth Step: Climb With A Pure Heart
Blessed are the pure in heart. Unclean thoughts can blind you. It can block your vision against seeing the beauty of His holiness, remember God is holy and He has called you to live holy. You are the temple of the Holy Spirit; flee from sexual immorality and all impurity .Guard your heart with all your strength, and worship GOD with reverence and awe. Climb the sixth step with a pure heart and clean hands.
“Who may ascend into the hill of the LORD? Or who may stand in His holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart…” Ps 24:3-4
The Seventh Step: Climb With A Peaceful Heart
Blessed are the peace makers. A quarrelsome person cannot worship God, because his heart is continuously disturbed. Lord Jesus said "Peace I leave with you, My peace I give it to you, do not let your heart be troubled" [Jn 14:27]. Peace has a major role in worship. Your heart will not condemn you when you stay right with God. You keep peace with every one as much as you can. The
The Eighth Step : Climb With A Persevering Heart
Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness. We need to put on a heart of gentleness and patience [Col 3:12].Impatient people never enter the throne room of God and kiss the Son. Persecution is there inside and outside the church. Have mercy, show patience, do God’s will and earnestly wait upon the Lord, don’t give up till he shows up. Climb step eight patience with a persevering heart. Imitating someone is the greatest form of worship. While showing patience you imitate Jesus and worship Him in truth and spirit.
The Ninth Step: Climb With A Joyful Heart
Blessed are those who rejoice in their sufferings for the
Going Higher
Climbing these nine steps in true worship can change life and take the worshiper face to face with God . These nine attitudes of the heart can bear the fruit of the Spirit with its nine attributes like love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control [Gal 5:22]. True worship always renews your mind. It sanctify you and make you do the perfect will of God. In Proverbs we read, "Give me your heart son and let your eyes delight in my ways" [Pr 23:26]. By the grace of Jesus let your worship eternally remain acceptable and pleasing to the heart of God. True worship makes every man perfect in Christ. Amen Amen.
Temple of God and the Five Gates
In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. All things came into being through the Word, He said "let there be light" and there was light. He is the light of life. He gives life to the dead and calls into being what does not exist. He sustains all things by the power of His word. There are three witnesses in Heaven, the Father, the living Word and the Holy Ghost. Two thousand years ago, right in this world the same living Word manifested in flesh. The power of God Almighty came on Virgin Mary, she conceived and gave birth to Jesus the Son of God. In Jesus we saw the radiance of the glory of God. He came to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself to rebuild the
The first manifestation of His glory and power turned water into wine in the wedding of
Lord kept His word; at
Resurrected Jesus is the builder of the Church, so the gates of hell cannot destroy His Church. Christ did not die for a building; His Church is not a building. His Church has left the building. When Jesus died on the cross, the old
But you can destroy the temple, by continuing your life in sin. Presence of sin can degrade your body. A sinful
For the last two thousand years King Jesus is building His glorious
Through these gates the King of glory can enter your heart and abide in you. Under the dominion of the Holy King you can sin no more. Let your senses be always open for God and let it stay forever closed to all the shades of evil. If you give a foothold to the devil, that can become a stronghold that destroys you.
Five Gates
Human beings are created with many senses like sense of time, speed, balance, heat…etc etc. Here we are looking at the 5 senses responsible for our spiritual lives in this world.
1. The Eye Gate
The sense of sight deals with our visual perception.
When your eyes read, perceive and believe God's word, and God's glory enter and illuminate you through the eye gate. Jesus said, you are the light of the world. The eye is the lamp of the body, if your eye is clear your whole body is full of light. In Job 31:1…To stay as a glorious light that shines in this world you should remember what Job said, "I have made a covenant with my eyes, how then could I gaze at a virgin".
Every one who looks at a woman with an evil desire has already committed adultery with her in his heart. Lucifer's sin was committed in his mind. So Jesus said "If your eye make you stumble, tear it out or this can make your whole body end up in hell". Guard your heart with all your strength, sin can contaminate your visual perception through an impure eye gate and give a foothold to the devil who steal, kill and destroy. Don’t let the
First stage of temptation came to Eve through the eye gate, the forbidden fruit looked good. Mt
2. The Ear Gate
The sense of hearing gives you the perception of sound.
Your Ear gate is another entry point for the King of Glory. God is a Spirit; Jesus said the words He spoke are the Spirit and life. In EZE 2:1-2 God says "son of man, stand on your feet that I may speak with you…as He spoke to me, the Spirit entered me "…
So Ps 1:1…..says "Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked…he will be like a tree planted by the streams of water". Eve's second stage of Temptation came through the Ear gate. She gave foot hold for the devil by listening to His demonic doctrines. She meditated the words of the deceiver and rejected what God spoke and got cursed. Apostle James says, Jam 1:22… Do not merely listen to the word, do what it says. Beware of the false teachers.
Pro5:1 says…My son, give attention to my wisdom, incline your ear to my understanding. Pr
In Jn 15:3…Jesus said," you are clean because of the word I spoke to you "… No other word has the power to cleanse your whole being. To remain glorious as a temple, in…Jn 15:7…Jesus said, if you abide in Me and My words abide in you, what ever you wish; it will be done for you. Again Jesus said… in Jn
You are called and appointed for a predestined purpose
3.The Lip Gate
The lip gate deals with your chemical senses and speech.
The third stage of temptation came to Eve through the chemical senses in the lip gate. She disobeyed God's instruction and failed to resist the Devil. The first act of sin was then committed in the Garden of Eden.
Regarding the lip gate, Jesus said [ Mt
4. Nose Gate
Nose gate is also a door for your chemical senses.Nose gate is the 4th entry point for the King. Your nose gate can sense the presence of God. Job27:3 say…as long as I have life within me, the breath of God is in my nostrils. The glorious temple is always filled with God's presence. Song1: 3 says…pleasing is the fragrance of your perfumes, your name is like perfume poured out…. Take a deep breath, Jesus is the breath of life. If you come close to God, God will come close to you. Intimately listen to the deep calling the deep, get intoxicated by the pleasing fragrance of your beloved and stay in love with Him.
In Jn 20:22… Jesus breathed on His disciples and said receive the Holy Spirit. In Gen 2:7…God formed the man from the dust and breathed into His nostrils the breath of life. In Gen 7:15-16… We read the pairs of all that have the breath of life, came to Noah and entered the ark. Every thing outside the ark which had the breath of life died. With out Jesus the breath of life you are dead in eternity. Jesus is the oxygen of our spirit, with out oxygen we die.
5. The Skin Gate
The skin gate gives you the perception of pressure. God's glory and power can enter the
To keep the skin gate holy, you need to keep your body holy, your mind holy and should live your life holy. Do the perfect will of God and celebrate His presence in the fullness of joy. Sexual immorality can degrade your body, and if you grieve the Holy Spirit, the
Apostle Paul wrote in Thessalonians
The Lamb of God loved his bride with a love that is stronger than death. The resurrected King is building His glorious
Monday, July 9, 2007
Believe and see GOD'S glory
Stay in love with Christ today
Only a lover becomes a worshiper, a true worshiper is a God chaser
running after God's desire. Come what may, you walk with God today,
deviate not from His way, stay in love with Christ today. until He comes.....