Monday, July 9, 2007

Worship of the bride

Our God is an awesome God full of love and kindness. He keeps watching us like someone who is deeply in love with us. When we felt like fatherless orphans with no self esteem,God came to rescue us like a father. When we felt lonely in the midst of a million people He appeared like your best friend from no where. Recently I was chatting with a friend online and was writing insights on worship. Suddenly another friend came to chat and then like a miracle he was simply writing the same things to me from another nation. I was so amazed by the awesome presence of God coming closer and touching me very intensely. Overwhelmed by His presence, I told what happened to my friends and just took few minutes to worship God. Once again I remember worship is your life with God, it is your sweet secret communion with God. Songs and music can help to engage our hearts with God, but we should know Jesus didn't die for a song list, He died to restore our communion with Him. When I truly worship, between Jesus and me what I see is the inseparable love only. If your spirit, soul and body is engaged with Jesus intimately then you will be love sick with out His company. Every thing else will loose its significance, nothing else can fascinate you. Like a bride If I become His beloved, He will rejoice in me like a bridegroom radiant with Glory. Here worship becomes the celebration of mutual delight. Here we cry Holy Holy Holy, You alone are worthy worthy worthy ...VJ Traven

1 comment:

archana said...

Hey most of your devotional seems like a love letter, with all passion for God. It really encourages me a lot. Thats the way our relationship should be with God, our Groom....we need to fall madly in love with Him. GBU and use u more and more to touch people's lives.. May ppl see ur passion and realise the true meaning of loving God with all your heart...Archana