Monday, July 9, 2007

God's voice and your name. Does it match?

Last Friday early morning, Mary John the widow of the great prophet Variyapuram Yonachayan passed away. In the same day evening I went to see her body and walked inside remembering the sweet hours of prayer which went up for me there. The very first word of God I heard was through the prophet who told me about the God who calls you by your name to fulfill His purposes through a generation. The Scripture was about God's encounter with Samuel, "God's voice and Samuel's name". The pebbles on the ground and the old green trees around gave me a warm welcome in the drizzle. My Spiritual father and his beloved who loved me and blessed me has left me. I was drowning in a stream of memory. The last time I spend in their prayer room, he laid his hands and prayed over me a long time. I received a glorious impartation in the early hours of the morning. The presence of God was so thick and tangible. He said tell me what u saw when I prayed for u? I said, I saw a new steam engine moving between 2 older steam engines. Now the new engine gets activated and comes in the front and the older engines pushes the new one in full power. The increasing speed turns the steam engine into a new diesel engine. The old 2 steam engines kept pushing it forcefully till I saw the transfiguration of the diesel engine to a big jet plane which takes off from the rail track in the end. He heard what I said and asked me an unforgettable question. Like a sword piercing my flesh and bones, that question still reminds me about the call of God. "Are you in the track?" The prophet knew my future. After his death, I lost my focus on God and lost my first love for Him. But Jesus was waiting, He left the other 99 jet planes and came to rescue this lost one. Before the burial of the beloved one, once again Lord made me answer the prophet's question right where it was asked. I said, Lord "here I am back in your track, ready for take off ". Friends, may I ask you the same old question,"are you in the track ?" God's voice and your name. Does it match???-VJ TRAVEN

1 comment:

BRM said...


I tend to think if its for all ..the u experienced..

"""God's voice and your name. Does it match???"""

Well Its so easy to stray isnt it?!!!!Back on Track!!
