Monday, August 20, 2007

Seven Great Blessings and a Golden Key - Part 7

Blessing No: [6] Freedom.

When God created Man, He gave him the total freedom to have his personal preferences. Freedom is the state of not being imprisoned or slaved. Which means God wanted man to be totally responsible for his personal decisions and actions. God rewards according to what every man has done out of his own freewill. Every thing under the sun is in the dominion of God, but God gave man the freedom to choose. Without any outside control, on his own if man denies himself and willfully obey the word of God, it pleases God. Jesus said "I am the way, the truth and the life". The Word of God is the absolute Truth; every opposing argument raised against it are the lies of the adversary designed to deceive. So Jesus said, "when you know the Truth; the Truth will set you free".

God spoke His commandment to Adam. But Adam was free to assume any thing, desire any thing, decide any thing, speak anything, follow anyone or act anything regarding his response to the Word of God. When it came to choosing a companion Adam didn't chose animals, he was extremely wise and God was pleased. God rewarded Adam with the very best. Eve "the Crown of Creation" was given to him as a great gift.

God gave man a mind of his own, and God didn't control man's mind to make him forcefully obey His will. So this reveals a mystery, even the devil cannot control your mind to make you forcefully do what is sinful; he can only suggest and deceive. Devil is a liar and he is the father of lies. If you buy His ideology and apply it, you will be judged for your actions. That's how the devil deceive you with his traps. Jesus came to destroy these works of evil and set you free from all the unrighteous yokes. You have the freedom to know the truth and live the truth. Entertaining the whisper of the demonic doctrines can corrupt you mind. To experience the true freedom, fight a good fight of faith and defeat the power of lies. The Kingdom of God suffers violence, and the violent take it by force.

We need discernment and self-control to overcome the evil one. Believe in Jesus and willfully obey God, so you will resist the the devil and he will flee. Cast down the dark and evil imaginations and do the will of God. Let your life get illuminated by the splendor of God's Glory. God is a Spirit and where the Spirit of God is there, there is freedom [Rom 8:21]. You are the Temple of the Holy Spirit. Obey the Spirit of Truth and triumphantly sing the Anthem of God's Kingdom in the enemy occupied territories. We are called to be free, do not use your freedom to indulge in the sinful nature [Gal 5:13]. "It's for freedom Christ has set us free!!! Stand firm; do not yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery" [Gal 5:1].

Freedom is doing what you should do than what you can do. If you believe in what Jesus has done through His sacrifice, your spirit will not remain as a slave to the sinful flesh and blood. Jesus has set you free to do what you should do now. Please God not yourself. Hello!!! Are you free??? Or are you in bondage??? Jesus died and rose again to set the captives free. Amen…VJ Traven