Friday, August 31, 2007

Seven Great Blessings and a Golden Key - Part 9

The Golden Key.

God gifted Adam the seven great blessings which people on Earth toil hard to earn. To posses and enjoy the great blessings in life continuously, God expected Adam to keep God's commandment consistently. If you first seek the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, then the goodness and mercy of God will follow you all the days of your life. Adam clearly heard the instruction from God about the tree of knowledge of good and evil. But when it came to applying the word of God, he preferred to listen to his woman and pleased her more than obeying God. When we trust in the schemes of our own flesh rather than pleasing God, it never turns out like what we have expected. So Adam blamed his woman and his woman blamed the snake who deceived her with his demonic doctrines. Even today we see the clear sign of irresponsibility in blaming others when we ourselves have to be blamed.

Adam failed to please God by doing His will. His testimony was "For me and my house we will please ourselves". He didn't keep his house in Godly order. Perhaps he said I know how to run my home with out taking instructions from someone else. If you don’t have a God occupied heart, you will have a devil occupied house. His disobedience led him to loose the glorious image and likeness of God which he carried from the beginning. After sinning the glory of God left him and he felt naked. Adam also lost his habitation; he was kicked out from the Great Garden of Eden. From the abundance of fruits, now Man needed to sweat hard to earn his bread. Through deception the devil took over the authority and power of man to rule over the Earth. Adam lost his dominion to subdue the Earth. He also lost his freedom and access to the tree of life. Now to be fruitful in the workplace he needed to toil over the soil. God cursed even the ground because of man's ignorance. God multiplied the pain of his companion through painful childbirth; she lost her freedom in her own house and came under the dominion of man. Except the true image of God, rest of the goodness may be duplicated on Earth. Devil is a duplicate, he is a fake angel of light.

What is the golden key to inherit the seven great blessings??? "Love your God with all your heart and all your soul and all your spirit and all your resources". Worship the Giver not the gifts. Once Jesus did a Great miracle and blessed Peter with a catch of 153 big fishes. He then asked Peter "do you love Me more than these"??? Because once devil said to Jesus "I will give you all these if you fall down and worship me". There Jesus replied to Satan "Go Satan! For it is written, You shall worship the Lord your God, and serve Him only". We are created to love and worship God more than every thing.

Willfully submit to God and resist the devil. The fear of God makes you depart from all evil. True submission and worship originates from deep passion. The Father is finding true worshipers through a life of worship, than a song of worship. Complete obedience is the best sacrifice that pleases the heart of God. He exists without our human worship. In fact the Lord is seeking an everlasting companionship through our worship in truth and spirit. The constant communion with God is the one golden key that opens the celebration of life on Earth. In His presence there is fullness of inexplicable and glorious joy. The true companions delight in the inseparable communion. Bond with sweet Jesus for ever and celebrate your life with Him. The metal sodium is bonded with the gas chlorine in the compound named Sodium Chloride [NaCl]. His Spirit in our flesh make that salt. You are the salt of the Earth. Amen…VJ Traven

Friday, August 24, 2007

Seven Great Blessings and a Golden Key - Part 8

Blessing No: [7] The Companion

The Companionship is a great and desperate need of a human being. The life of human genealogy hangs on it. And when the man was created, his companion was hidden inside of him. Lord God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone; I will make him a helper suitable for Him". Giving the freedom to respond God brought all the animals and birds before man. Adam looked at every beast and every bird, but found nothing was tailor made for him. He watched them all and named them all, but nothing matched him at all as a companion. Nothing was found suitable, because he was created in the image of God. In today's perspective the Elephants were too big; Snakes were deadly and poisonous, Lions were very wild and loud, Eagles flew too high, Cheetahs were fast and untouchable, Hippos were ugly, Rhinos looked untamable and in the end Adam came up with no spontanious response. Then Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man and then He took one of his ribs and created Eve "the crown of creation". The solution was right there within the bones of Adam. The man said "This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh. She shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of man".

In the New Testament Jesus Christ the Son of God came looking for a companion. Jesus came to choose you and me as His Companion. He came to mold you and seat you next to Him in Heaven . Jesus fell in love with us even though we were not lovable and holy. We were carnal, dark and violent in nature like animals without the likeness of God. But Jesus was the radiance of the glory of God and the exact representation of His being. We were not a match to the matchless One. And that didn't stop Him from loving us. To demonstrate His deep love for us, Jesus died for us. On the third day Jesus rose again and lives for us. He shed His Holy blood on the cross of Calvary as the price for His Companion. He was wounded for our sins and His strips and scars heal His Companion forever. His Holy word sanctifies us and His Holy Spirit anoints us to remain spotless as His Companion. Jesus said to His beloved "I will never leave you nor forsake you till the end of the world".

If you want God as a companion you may give your life to Jesus through true submission and confession. The true Companions are yoked together for ever. They are never separated by the power of death. Jesus conquered the world, the sin and the death for ever. If the Resurrected Jesus is your companion to eternity, then you have the hope that never disappoints. Your companion Jesus rose again from the dead and He will never die again. If you believe and stay bonded with Him inseparably, then you will live again even after you die. Your Lord will send His power of resurrection on your whole being to be Gloriuosly transfigured like Him.

The Bride of the Lamb is absolutely busy preparing herself for the wedding of the Lamb. The Heaven and earth is waiting for that awesome and glorious day. Humanity is empty without the companionship of Jesus. Our eternity hangs on it for ever. Have you become a suitable companion??? In your encounter with Jesus, will He say this is the bone of my bones and the flesh of my flesh??? Man was created in the image and likeness of God. Our sins made us fall from that Glory of God. But Jesus came to restore the image of God in His Companion. Like Eve was taken out of Adam's rib in a deep sleep, God raised Jesus and His Companion from the death after the three days of deep sleep inside the tomb. Lord God raised Jesus and His Companion together. If we have become united in the likeness of His death, we shall also become united in the likeness of His resurrection.

Even on the cross, Jesus protected His bones by bleeding every drop of His blood and sweat, the layers of His skin and flesh was torn to keep the bones untouched. God kept us unbroken when He left His Son broken. We are wonderfully and fearfully made for Him by Him to become His beloved Companion. For us it is not good to be left alone. Like the bones are covered by the flesh and blood let's clothe ourselves with Christ our beloved One. Demonstrate your love and bond with Him for ever. The King of Glory is coming!!! Amen…VJ Traven

Monday, August 20, 2007

Seven Great Blessings and a Golden Key - Part 7

Blessing No: [6] Freedom.

When God created Man, He gave him the total freedom to have his personal preferences. Freedom is the state of not being imprisoned or slaved. Which means God wanted man to be totally responsible for his personal decisions and actions. God rewards according to what every man has done out of his own freewill. Every thing under the sun is in the dominion of God, but God gave man the freedom to choose. Without any outside control, on his own if man denies himself and willfully obey the word of God, it pleases God. Jesus said "I am the way, the truth and the life". The Word of God is the absolute Truth; every opposing argument raised against it are the lies of the adversary designed to deceive. So Jesus said, "when you know the Truth; the Truth will set you free".

God spoke His commandment to Adam. But Adam was free to assume any thing, desire any thing, decide any thing, speak anything, follow anyone or act anything regarding his response to the Word of God. When it came to choosing a companion Adam didn't chose animals, he was extremely wise and God was pleased. God rewarded Adam with the very best. Eve "the Crown of Creation" was given to him as a great gift.

God gave man a mind of his own, and God didn't control man's mind to make him forcefully obey His will. So this reveals a mystery, even the devil cannot control your mind to make you forcefully do what is sinful; he can only suggest and deceive. Devil is a liar and he is the father of lies. If you buy His ideology and apply it, you will be judged for your actions. That's how the devil deceive you with his traps. Jesus came to destroy these works of evil and set you free from all the unrighteous yokes. You have the freedom to know the truth and live the truth. Entertaining the whisper of the demonic doctrines can corrupt you mind. To experience the true freedom, fight a good fight of faith and defeat the power of lies. The Kingdom of God suffers violence, and the violent take it by force.

We need discernment and self-control to overcome the evil one. Believe in Jesus and willfully obey God, so you will resist the the devil and he will flee. Cast down the dark and evil imaginations and do the will of God. Let your life get illuminated by the splendor of God's Glory. God is a Spirit and where the Spirit of God is there, there is freedom [Rom 8:21]. You are the Temple of the Holy Spirit. Obey the Spirit of Truth and triumphantly sing the Anthem of God's Kingdom in the enemy occupied territories. We are called to be free, do not use your freedom to indulge in the sinful nature [Gal 5:13]. "It's for freedom Christ has set us free!!! Stand firm; do not yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery" [Gal 5:1].

Freedom is doing what you should do than what you can do. If you believe in what Jesus has done through His sacrifice, your spirit will not remain as a slave to the sinful flesh and blood. Jesus has set you free to do what you should do now. Please God not yourself. Hello!!! Are you free??? Or are you in bondage??? Jesus died and rose again to set the captives free. Amen…VJ Traven

Friday, August 17, 2007

Seven Great Blessings and a Golden Key - Part 6

Blessing No:[5] The Habitation.

In Genesis 2: 8, we read "The Lord God planted a Garden toward the east, in Eden and there placed the man whom He had formed". People dream to own a house, but from the very beginning God placed the man in a very beautiful Home. Ex15:13 says, "In Your loving kindness You have led Your people, in Your strength You have guided them to Your Holy Habitation". In Ps 26:8 David said I love the Habitation of Your House and the place where Your glory dwells.

In Mat 12:43-45, we see Jesus speaking about the unclean spirits. The unclean spirit goes out of a man and later returns to see the condition of the place it left. If it finds the house unoccupied, it goes and brings along seven other spirits more wicked than itself and goes to live there. If you give a foothold to the devil through sin, it will make a stronghold in you. Your sin gives the devil a legal authority to occupy your life, and that makes the last state of that man worse than the first. Submit to God and resist the devil. Welcome the word of God and the Holy Spirit to come and occupy your life, then you'll be transformed into a Temple of the Holy Spirit.

When we invite Jesus into our lives, He comes to abide in us as our Lord and King. A Father to the fatherless and a judge for the widows is God in His Holy Habitation. Eternal God is your dwelling place. Jesus redefined the word habitation. He said in Jn15:7, If you abide in Me and My words abide in you, ask what ever you wish and it will be done for you. 1Jn 2:24 says, if what you heard from the beginning abides in you, you also will abide in the Son and in the Father. 2Jn 1:9 says, anyone who does not abide in the teaching of Christ, does not have God; the one who abides in the teaching has both Father and the Son. What a privilege we are getting by truly obeying the word of God!!! Ps 132:13 says, the Lord has chosen Zion; He has desired it for His Habitation.

The touch of the Holy Spirit during an alter call is a temporary visitation of God. It is just the beginning of the process to bless you and occupy you as a permanent habitation of God through your constant communion with the Holy Spirit. But sometimes we receive the touch of God and get satisfied with out moving with the Spirit into the deeper things of God. The seven great ingredients cooked together in our every day lives will produce the sweets aroma of God pleasing worship. [1] The Sanctification of our body, mind and spirit with the blood of Jesus. [2] The Transformation of life through the listening and doing of the deep rooted word of God. [3] The Meditation through prayer and Bible study to focus our every day thought life on God. [4] The Revelation in our spirit through seeking God earnestly with all our heart. [5] The Manifestation of God's power in our body as Jesus baptize us in the Holy Spirit and Fire. [6] The Habitation of God being built in our whole being through inseparable communion.[7] The Commission and empowerment to move every day in the Spirit as the spotless bride of the Lamb who makes Disciples of Jesus all over the world. Our King Jesus is coming soon.

My friend at what point is your worship standing right now. Ps 24: 3-4 says, "Who may stand in His Holy place? He who has clean hands and pure heart, this is the generation of those who seek Him". Amen...VJ Traven

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Seven Great Blessings and a Golden Key - Part 5

Blessing No:[4] Food and water

When God created man He expected every member in the man's family to work faithfully and eat joyfully. An idle man will suffer hunger, but a worker's appetite works for him. The young lions lack and suffer hunger, but they who seek the Lord shall not be in want of any thing. The Lord will not allow the righteous to hunger. They will not hunger and thirst, for the one who has compassion on them will lead them and will guide them to the springs of water. God originally designed man as a fruitarian. The great tree of life was also planted in Eden for the man to eat its fruit. But God commanded not to eat the fruit from the knowledge of the good and evil. But man and his wife ignored the fruit of life and they ate the forbidden fruit of death. Man became a law-breaker and earned his degree in curses through terrible ignorance. Adam could have eaten the fruit from the tree of life and could have been blessed, but he made the wrong choice. Every one needs food and water and from the very beginning God provided that in abundance for the physical wellbeing of man. There were also four rivers in Eden for water.

Our God is the greatest Provider in the universe. So Jesus redefined the meaning of food in the New Testament. In Lord's encounter with the devil in the desert devil brings to Jesus the same temptation of food that made Adam fall from grace. And Jesus said to the devil "Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word proceeds from the mouth of God". On other occasions Jesus said, "My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me and accomplish His work". Later He said "life is more than food and the body more than clothing". Lord said the words of comfort to the ones who are depressed, "do not be worried about life, as to what you will eat or what you will drink". Jesus said "I am the bread of life, he who comes to Me will not hunger and he who believes in Me will never thirst. My flesh is the true food and my blood is the true drink". Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be satisfied. Hello, what are you hungry for today. Taste the Lord and praise the Lord. Amen…VJ Traven

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Seven Great Blessings and a Golden Key - Part 4

Blessing No [3]: Employment or Missions

Lord God created the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to cultivate and protect. Man was accountable for the life in the Garden till he was deceived. The presence of evil can disturb the peace and destroy the beauty of the life in Eden. God expected productivity out of responsibility from the life of man. There is no authority without responsibility. The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet, provided you remain faithful to God.

From the story of talents spoken by Jesus we see God entrusts His possessions and He gives us the image, authority and power expecting productivity from us. Our life and time are resources given to us. The one who received five talents went and worked hard and produced five more talents. And he received praises and rewards from His Master. But the guy who received one talent dug a hole in the ground and brought it back without productivity to the Master and got cursed badly. God blessed the man He created by saying "be fruitful and multiply". If you are lazy and produces nothing you will never bring joy in the Heart of your Master. To enlarge your territory let your authority produce productivity out of accountability. Give God a chance to bless the work of your hand. If you are faithful with the few things you got, Lord will put you in charge of many things. Unfaithfulness leads to fruitlessness.

Adam failed to protect Himself and his wife in the Garden from the evil one. He didn’t stay submitted to God; he didn’t discern the words of Eve and he didn't resist the devil. So man made himself flee from the great blessings. As a result two bellies and the unproductive ground got cursed. Adam loved his wife and he listened to her and pleased her more than God. Adam lost his job because of unaccountability. God rewarded Adam according to what he has done and appointed cherubim with flaming sword to guard the way to the tree of life in the Eden.

All over the world people are trying to equip their children to get the best possible employment in this world. But here the resurrected Jesus gave every born-again child of God an appointment letter for joining the great commission. All authority has been given to Me in Heaven and Earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations. Later He said "behold I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give every man according to what he has done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end". God has blessed you with a Mission even if others are fruitless, do the very best you can. Remain faithful and make the Lord rejoice in what you produce from your life and Mission. Be blessed on earth and receive a glorious reward in Eternity. Amen…VJ Traven

Seven Great Blessings and a Golden Key - Part 3

Blessing [2]: The Authority and Power

Holy God is the Supreme Authority and when God created man, He gave man the power to subdue the Earth. Today the world is running to accomplish the power through corrupt short cuts. But right from the beginning, God wanted man and woman to rule, so that God's will could be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. Man was appointed to rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and the animals in the land.

A saint is a King under the authority of Christ the King of Kings. After the resurrection, Lord Jesus told His disciples "all Authority has been given to Me in Heaven and Earth". Power refers to the ability to accomplish specific tasks and the authority refers to the legitimacy, justification and right to exercise that power. When Jesus spoke, people heard a voice of Authority and Power. He commands the unclean spirits and they came out. Jesus gave His Disciples the authority over the unclean spirits, He said in my name you will cast out demons and will heal the sick. From God, the authority comes as a blessing to those who run to please the heart of God. Resurrected Jesus said to the Disciples, "you will receive the power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you and then you shall be My witnesses…"

Without abusing the authority which is given to us, in worship we should submit it before the Supreme Authority and make His Praise glorious. To fulfill the purpose of authority People in Power should worship God with all their heart, mind, spirit and resources. After triumphantly witnessing the testimony of Christ through the word of God with signs and wonders we should still humble ourselves and say "we are unworthy servants, we have only done what we are supposed to do". If we fail to glorify God, we will develop the pride of power that leads to total spiritual disaster. God hates pride and arrogance.

Friends, let's stay humble and hungry to have the abundance of God's Power by receiving the anointing of the Holy Ghost. But if you continue staying powerless, then may be you are staying prayer less. God pleasing prayer fills you with the power of God because the power is the inheritance promised to a saint. Amen…VJ Traven

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Seven Great Blessings and a Golden key -PART 2

Blessing No:[1] The Image of God

When God created Adam, he was created in the image and the likeness of God. Today when we are born-again, we are born in the Spirit to be raised in the image and the likeness of Christ. By the power of the Holy Blood of Jesus that washes the stains of every sin, we enter into the genealogy of God. When we believe and accept Jesus, we have to truly repent our sins and decide to sin no more and please God by doing His perfect will in the mind of Christ.

We willfully obey God's commandments to joyfully participate in the Divine Nature and maintain consistently the spotless and glorious image for ever. When we reach an age to hear the word of God and believe, without any compulsion from outside, to please God we should exercise our own free will to get baptized in the water in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. Christ is the most radiant image of the invisible God and those who commune with Him are predestined to become conformed to the image of God. When we become desperate for the communion with God, Lord sends His Spirit on our flesh and baptize us in the Holy Ghost and the Fire. With that glorious clothing and we cloth ourselves with Christ the King of Glory. There the image and the likeness of God in us shine as the Glorious light. We are appointed as the light of the world.

All over the world people are image conscious. What costumes to purchase? Which place to eat? What watches to buy? What colors to choose???…the list is endless when you have more disposable money to spend. In the corporate advertising, billions are spend on Brand building. Brands are the little gods in the modern world. Here in this world every born-again one gets the most secure image from God, as the Divine inheritance provided we continually keep God's word with all our strength and run till the end to finish well in His glory. The born-again children of God are a brand of people made for praise, fame and honor. They carry the brand-marks of Jesus in their body. They commune with God and joyfully give Him all the glory of the praise, fame and honor, they posses as a blessing in their lives on earth. Friends, if you have nothing to give, then give yourself to Christ, He will bless you and make you fruitful through His image and likeness. Amen…VJ Traven

Friday, August 10, 2007

Seven Great Blessings and a Golden Key- PART 1

Intimate and Holy Communion with God is the purpose of the creation of man. God is the Creator of man and his genealogy. But sin separated us from God and kept us in darkness that made us remain far from Him. God is the Unapproachable Light; He has no communion with darkness. The One who created us gave us the freedom to choose Him or reject Him. And we did not walk in the light of life; we ignored the One who created us. We ran after the pleasures of the sinful world and got deceived by the devil, who has no inheritance in the Salvation of God.

We grieved the heart of God who created us. Still God loved us all and longed to bring us back in communion with Him. The same God who created us needed to save us by buying us back for Himself, because we sold our souls to the devil by living in the pleasures of the sin. Jesus the Son of God came down to set us free from the captivity of sin. His Holy Blood and the sufferings for us on the cross became the price for us. He paid the price and redeemed us. Do you want to turn back to God and commune with Him in truth and spirit??? Then part with all your sinful ways and come to the Lord Jesus. Without the sanctification of the blood of Jesus, the word of God and the Holy Spirit no one can commune with God. If you truly believe in the Savior Jesus and His sacrifice, then confess your faith before God and man. When you confess that Jesus died on the cross for you and God raised Him from the dead on the third day, man…God will consider you as a born-again child of God through His Son Jesus.

When Adam was created God blessed him with seven incredible blessings. God said be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and subdue it. Today the world is running for this blessings with all their heart, mind, spirit and resources. For the born-again child of God the seven great blessings are his inheritance in the earth through Christ Jesus. The seven great blessings of God are:

[1] The Image.

[2] The Power.

[3] The Employment or Mission.

[4] The Habitation.

[5] The Food and Water.

[6] The Freedom of choice.

[7] The Companion.

And to inherit the seven great blessings one commandment was given to man from God. If man communes with God, all the seven blessings will follow man like mercy and grace all his life. Communion happens through worship and worship originates from true love. True love is the essence of total submission and complete obedience to God's word. In that case the one golden key is the worship in truth and spirit. To inherit the seven great blessings, man only needed to love God and please God.

Enjoy the Garden of Eden the place of great abundance and the seven great blessings free, but from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, the day you eat you will surely die. When you obey God you love God. When you disobey His Commandments you loose the sweet communion with the Holy Spirit. Disobedience is a sin that gives birth to death. God is the creator of life. Without His communion, you loose the breath of life in your spirit. Love your Lord God and worship Him with all your heart and all your mind and all your Spirit and all your resources. Commune with God and live for ever. Amen…VJ Traven

Thursday, August 9, 2007

The number one Heroes - PART 7

In all the eternity the Almighty Trinity exists in Great Unity. But at the Calvary when Jesus cried "My God My God, why have you forsaken Me?" the Holy Trinity was shaken and was broken because of you and me. The Body of the Creator of life remained lifeless in the tomb for three days until God raised His Son from the dead. The Resurrected Jesus conquered the sin and death for ever. The number ones die every day by crucifying the carnal and sinful natures to become perfect in Christ. They carry the brand-marks of Jesus in their body to stay Holy! Jesus left His Glory and died on the cross to make us Holy with His Blood and His Testimony. To enter the Kingdom of God we should flee from the wrong belief systems, idolatry, greed, ungodly club meetings, pornography, alcohol and drug addictions, time wasting TV shows, adult Movies, filthy jokes, gluttony, revenge, sexual immorality, pride, head banging rebellion etc. The number one parts with a ten thousand lovers to bond with the Radiant Lover. The humble donkey willing to carry the body of Jesus from the tomb will carry His Glorious Resurrected Body. If we unite with Him in the likeness of His death, we will also unite with Him in the likeness of His Resurrection. Jesus demonstrated God's love through His sacrifice for you and me. But by the fear factor poor Peter denied Jesus three times and he fell from his first love. But after the resurrection, Jesus appeared to restore Him back as the number one. The Divine romance makes Peter fall in love with the Lord again. A visitation from the Lord is to make you the permanent Habitation of the Lord. Jesus did a miracle and made His disciples catch 153 big fishes and asked Peter, do you love me more this fish and the sea. With all the blessings you have received, do you love Me more than these? Lord asked Peter three times till Peter grieved deeply. Hello, why are you weeping? whom are you seeking? The demonstration of passion is a sacrifice through the obedience of faith. Bond with the crucified One, carry the brand-marks of the most Radiant One and become a spotless Number One! Amen…VJ Traven

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

The number one Heroes - PART 6

Jesus asked Mary Magdalene "Woman why are you weeping? Whom are you seeking?" she thought he is the gardener; she said "Sir if you have carried Him away, tell me where you have laid Him, and I will take Him away". She declared her commitment to the One who conquered the death. The first name spoken by the Risen Christ was "Mary", the name of the number one. The sheep recognized the Shepard's voice. With reverence and awe she said "Rabboni". Mary fell on His feet, clinging on to Him with out leaving Him. One passionately spoken word of adoration, a crushed spirit with desperation for God, a broken and pure heart, a face wet with tears mixed with the fullness of joy and a body language revealing deep devotion produced the sweet aroma of intimate worship in truth and spirit. A rigid unrepentant heart will never cry Holy and worship God face to face and lip to lip. The death of Jesus was a public affair but His resurrection was a private matter. He wanted to give the number one the privilege to proclaim the Good News. After being risen Lord first appeared to the one who never left Him alone even after three days of His death. We should love God with all our heart, mind, spirit and resources, the number one did it all her life. Jesus said, "Stop clinging to Me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father. Go to My brethren and say to them, I ascend to My Father and My God and your God". She hears that Glorious Revelation. The Holy Blood of Jesus connects the believers to the Genealogy of God. The God gave the authority to those who accept Jesus to become the sons of God through faith in the name of His Son. The true confession about the Lordship of Jesus over our lives brings the salvation of God. The number one unites with Jesus in His death and resurrection and gets the first assignment to preach the Gospel. Hello friends, why are you weeping? Whom are you seeking? A number one Hero said "The Lord is my Shepard, He is my portion, I will wait for Him and I will carry Him".Amen…

Monday, August 6, 2007

The number one Heroes - PART 5

The absence of Jesus in the open tomb made the disciples feel nothing, but it made the worshiper cry Holy. They came as spectators but Mary Magdalene came as a worshiper. She is a committed worshiper and God loves her. She is deeply grieved by the absence of Jesus as she is desperately seeking His Presence more than anything in life. She wanted to worship God; she has seen the Lord Jesus worthy to be praised as He has demonstrated the love of God on the cross of Calvary. She knew He died in her place to redeem her eternally. She knew His blood was shed to cleanse her from her sins. A heart of worship burns with the passion for the crucified One. Many waters cannot quench that flame of love. A heart of worship is tormented and broken here by the agony of love. No one can console her, because God alone is a worshiper's comforter. Someone mad about Jesus will worship Him with passion till the end. The deep is calling the deep. She is weeping, she has done every thing to be with Jesus, there is nothing more to do now as an act of worship. Many women did noble things but the number one surpasses them all. Your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual presence, time and sincere efforts matters in worship. Time is life. If you don’t give your time for God, you don’t give your life to God. The Angels asked her why she is crying; she said "I don’t know where they have taken away my Lord and where they have laid Him". Number one is not ashamed to confess that Jesus Christ is my Lord. What will others do to His crucified body, she express her concern. Now Jesus appeared and asked "why are you weeping, what are you seeking?" And she said "Sir, if you have carried Him away, tell me where you have laid Him and I will take Him away". She is determined to carry Him regardless of the condition of the body after three days. A number one is united with Jesus in His death and His resurrection. Now Jesus is calling the number one her name "Mary". Hello, have you heard Him lately. Worship is a face to face and lip to lip conversation with God and his true worshiper. Amen...VJ Traven

Sunday, August 5, 2007

The number one Heroes - PART 4

On the first day of the week early morning while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene came to the tomb of Jesus. Disciples and the rest of the world slept without a dream. But she stayed awake by a dream to chase the Lord. Plan your walk and walk your plan, the number one walked out. Many seeds of the Eagle are living comfortably inside the egg shell. But those who wait upon the Lord will break the shell and come out to fly in the sky. The number one is driven by a burning passion to see a new revelation. So after the Crucifixion she saw the first sign of Resurrection. The number ones keep expanding their vision to see the new horizon. She reached the tomb first and saw the stone in the tomb removed. When others don’t have a vision, she is illuminated by what she saw and ran to Peter. The Number ones are humble and has a great sense of urgency. She associates with the right people at the right time to be in the right place. Number ones make others wake up and make them catch up. She imparts the inspiration and made the sleeping disciples wake up and run to see a great vision. They came to the tomb, entered the tomb and believed the vision and but returned home to sleep again. Without scriptural understanding you see nothing beyond a vision. When they went back, the number one stayed back crying. A number one is deeply broken without Jesus when others are not. She analyzed what she saw and missed Jesus in the vision. A number one has focus on Jesus more than the vision. A number one will only bond with Christ in a vision. Number ones are desperately hungry and thirsty for the manifest presence of God. So now she gets a second vision, and we see angels speaking to her, but she is only keen to find her Lord Jesus. A number one is a hard core God chaser. She is not fascinated by the Angels, a number one doesn't believe in substitutes. More than seeking a visitation from God, number one is seeking the permanent habitation of God. My friends, how desperate are you for Jesus. Are you the Temple of the Holy Spirit??? Lord God is watching our action. Amen...VJ Traven

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

The number one Heroes - PART 3

Before the death of Lord Jesus, the Roman soldiers stripped the Son of God, spat on His Holy face, beat Him on His head, crowned Him with a crown of thorns, knelt down before Him and mocked at Him saying "hail, King of the Jews". They nailed the Holy One and crucified Him. From the face of the Earth, the Light of Life was about to disappear. From the sixth hour to the ninth hour darkness started to appear in the land. Then He cried out in a loud voice Eli Eli lamma shabackthani, that is My God My God why have You left Me? His pain became our gain. His blood became our price. His breath became our life. God made His beloved Son die to bring home the prodigal sons. He cried out loud again and gave up His Spirit. The Curtain of the temple was torn, the Earth was shaken, the Rocks were split, the tombs of the saints opened and their bodies resurrected. The crowds were beating their breasts. The Lion of Judah is dead. But Peter was no where in the picture. He denied his hero and became a zero. When someone has fallen, someone has risen. God enabled few godly women to witness the vision of the crucifixion. The righteous ones are bold as a lion. Peter gave up his chance to unite with Jesus in His death. Peter was shaken; the spirit of fear killed the heart of a young lion. The courage is not the absence of fear; it is doing what you are afraid to do. Number ones are unshakable; they have an inseparable communion with God. The godly women followed Lord's body to the tomb, later they prepared the spices and perfumes. Number ones prepare themselves and carry what they need to serve God. In John 20:1, two thousand years ago when it is still dark, Mary Magdalene visited the tomb of Jesus early in the morning all alone. Number one is brave and daring. Fear of death could not separate her from the love of Christ. Number ones are mad about Jesus; they chase God even in the dark unfavorable circumstances. What about you and Jesus, how deep is your love??? My friend wake up, the time is near. Amen...VJ Traven